Talking about the mind is very delicate reason. Is that your conscious holds everything. So what happened was that the people that put this system in place. Knew exactly what they were doing. See they want to feed you negativity so the conscious could retain it and have you act out that behavior. When a certain situation presents itself. The saying is that if you over indulge in something it becomes a part of you. So the reason behind that is that they don’t want you to become who you truly are. So they put you in a system that taught you to think backwards. That’s how they have the control over you when they keep feeding you something over and over again. That’s when hypnosis takes over your conscious and that’s when you’re doing things you know is wrong and agreeing with what’s right negativity keeps you hypnotized. Positivity keeps you in your true state. I’m just asking you to give yourself what you deserve and that’s only through positivity which starts in the mind.
Stop allowing a false representation of you to become you.
The most important thing you have in this world is your choices just never choose to doubt you.
The only way to see your fullest potential is by giving it your all at the moment.
Being determined exposes your true ability.
Determination brings your ability to its peak
Stop allowing a false representation of you to become you.
Writing your goals down shows you what you're suppose to be doing ( meaning once it's on paper it's true so until you complete the goals you set for yourself you're going to be reminded of them until you finish because you hate to be lied to.
Remember people your why is your purpose ( meaning that when you ask yourself why something is happening in silence if you listen it's telling you the reason.
The only reason we complain is because we're not true to our decision ( meaning the we never look at the work and commitment takes to complete the task.
Hypnosis takes over when you obsessively indulge in negativity ( simply means that a lot of negative thoughts clouds your mind so it's difficult to make sound decisions.